The Perfect Calendar?


The Dead Sea Scrolls reveal an ancient Jewish Calendar

That could be the most accurate calendar in the world.


Based on the base 360-Day Biblical “prophetic” Calendar and then adding the 4 “seasonal” days, the ancient Jewish Dead Sea Scroll 364-Day Calendar allows Feast Days (and birthdays) to always fall on the exact same day every year which makes the Jewish Dead Sea Scroll calendar the perfect “priestly” Calendar.


Then by simply inserting (or setting apart) two Biblical cycles of “7” it quickly becomes the most accurate calendar in the World.


After every 7th Week of Years (49 years) there is a 50th Year of Jubilee.  This 50th biblical Jubilee Year could also be called a Second or Long Sabbath year.


There have been ongoing discussions over the years on how to count the Jubilee Year without disrupting or interrupting the 7-Year Sabbatical Year Cycle.


These same discussions may be needed to justify the following proposal to help reconcile the ancient Jewish 360/364 day Calendar with the Gregorian 365.2425 day calendar.  


If it can be reconciled by adding “second” or “long” biblical Jubilee Sabbath days without a day number change it may provide an easy way to maintain the integrity (and prove the accuracy) of the ancient Jewish Dead Sea Scrolls 360/364 day solar calendar.


In the Bible we find there are cycles of 7 (or “Weeks”) of:

            –  Days

            –  Weeks

            –  Months

            –  Years


Many Bible students are familiar with Jubilees (following a 7th cycle) for:

            –  Days:  (The 50th Day of Pentecost which always follows a Sabbath day)

            –  Years: (The 50th Year of Jubilee which always follows a Sabbath year)


But, today we find no “Jubilee” of Weeks or Months currently being set apart.


Yet, since there is a Week/Sabbath/Jubilee cycle for Days and Years then it means there could (or should) also conceivably be a 49+1 Jubilee cycle for both Weeks and Months.


Let’s see what happens if a Jubilee (unnumbered Second or Long Sabbath) Day of Weeks and Months was set apart with the Dead Sea Scroll 360/364 Day Calendar …


            –  First: It means 1 Day (a second or long Sabbath Day) could be added or set apart following the 49th Week each year (Adar 16/17?).


            –  Second: It means 1 Day (a second or long Sabbath Day) could be added or set apart following every 49th Month (Iyar 1/2?).


IF so, it would be biblically justifiable because it could maintain God’s Weeks/Jubilee relationships, plus, it would retain the consistent annual Priestly/Seasonal days and clock.


Also, if it fell on a “Third” day (Tuesday) it might fit, since Jews consider the Third day a day of double blessing (because God twice pronounced the 3rd Day ‘good’ – Gen 1:9-13).


Adding or setting apart two Jubilee days to the 360/364 DSS Calendar is easy and does not require the complex “math” required with the current Jewish Lunar Calendar.  In fact, the Dead Sea Scroll writings speak strongly against the Pharisees’ Lunar Calendar.


IF they did set apart the Weeks and Months Jubilee days, let’s try to figure out WHY it might work (and exactly how accurate it would be).  For this we DO need a little math:


1 Jubilee Day Inserted or Added Following the 49th WEEK:

Adding 1 Day after the 49th Week each year is easy to figure out since we simply add 1 Day per year to the ancient Jewish 360/364 Day Calendar (per the Dead Sea Scrolls).


1 Jubilee Day Inserted or Added Following the 49th MONTH:

How would adding this 1 day at the end of every 49th Month (like our Leap Year) affect the length of each 360/364 Day year on an annual basis (like our 365.2425 days/year)?


            –  4 Years + 1 Month  =  49 Months

            –  1 Month  =  1/12 of a Year  = .0833333 of a Year

            –  49 Months  =  4 years + .0833333 year  =  4.0833333 Years 


This would mean for the 360/364-Day Calendar (360-Day Year + 4 Seasonal Days) per the Dead Sea Scrolls they would be adding 1 Day once every 364 days  X  4.0833333 years:


            364 days  X  4.0833333 years  = 1486.3333212  Days


This means they/we would add 1 Day for every 1486.3333212 Days


So, how much time would this would add to each single day during the year:


            1 ÷ 1486.3333212  =  0.00067279659 of a day added to each day during the year


Now, we will factor this amount into the base 360-Day Calendar Year:


            360 X 0.00067279659  =  .2422067724 of a day added to each 360-day Year


Now, to compare this to our Gregorian Calendar Year we would simply ADD:


            360                  Days in the base (and prophetic) 360-Day Biblical Year

                4                  Seasonal Days  (Per the Dead Sea Scrolls)

                1                  Day for Jubilee of Weeks ( = 1 Day added after the 49th week)

                0.2422         Day for Jubilee of Months ( = 1 Day added after the 49 month)

            365.2422         Days Per Year


NOTE:  Our modern Gregorian Calendar is 365.2425 Days Per Year long … yet, NASA tells us to be accurate our year should be exactly 365.2422 days long.


So, by simply adding (setting apart) a “Jubilee of Weeks” day and a “Jubilee of Months” day into the ancient Jewish 360/364 Day (Prophetic/Priestly) Calendar which we find in the Dead Sea Scrolls it would provide an amazing exact and perfectly accurate annual solar Calendar (while also filling in the two missing biblical Jubilee recognitions)!!!


This calendar is easy to maintain (very similar to our modern calendar).  The somewhat complicated math was only for our benefit to see how and why it works.


The ancient Jewish Essenes did not accept the Pharisee’s (today’s) Jewish lunar calendar.


It’s also possible God may have a purpose for 3 unique (360-364-365.24) day calendars.



 The 7th Day (Jewish 6000 Year) Prophecy: Are We Closer Than We Think?






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