(Photo:  Business Insider)



The Prophetic Russia & Roman (Latin America) Alliance



Recently, we have seen a growing number of news headlines reporting an alliance between Russia and some Latin (Roman) American nations, such as Venezuela.


These news headlines could easily be translated as: “The Revealing of The Russia (Putin) and Rome (Pope) Alliance”


This relationship is nothing new, and although Russia and the Vatican may have been “competitors” at times over the years, their mutual long-term global objectives are mutual and have always remained the same.


This powerful alliance will one day overthrow America … (and the whole world!!)


However, only Rome (with a powerful alliance of nations) will remain standing after Russia is defeated in their coming War against Israel (China will still play a major and deadly global prophetic role, but, it will be under a Roman-controlled global economy and government).


With this in mind, let’s take a moment to consider this most powerful (and evil) alliance …


The Past Reveals Our Future


Russian dictator, Joseph Stalin. was educated in a Roman JESUIT school (it was NOT a Russian Orthodox school as some now claim) … and Cuba’s dictator, Fidel Castro, was a trained, educated, and loyal Roman Jesuit.


Also, the current Roman Jesuit General Arturo Sosa (Jesuit Generals are called the “Black Pope” because of their black robes and absolute power) was stationed in Venezuela and was instrumental in helping Marxist-Socialist Hugo Chavez (a Russian ally) gain and retain power over that nation (Venezuela is also shown as a “province” on the Roman Church global map).


Because of his success in bringing Venezuela under Marxist-Roman control Arturo Sosa was promoted into the Roman Jesuit’s highest ranking position, and is now cloaked in secrecy as the exceedingly powerful Jesuit “General” based in Rome while directing the consolidation of Roman power (with Russia and China’s help) over all the Americas.


He also oversaw Venezuela’s rising China alliance (with Chavez giving China strategic rights to their oil).


Roman-Jesuit General Arturo Sosa is probably the second (or first) most dangerous man in the World alongside his fellow Roman Jesuit commander, Pope Francis (a former bar room bouncer in Buenos Aires), who is now wielding great power along with him. 


If you do your homework (which is more difficult over the recent years because much of the historical information and studies have been deleted or “sanitized” from the Internet), you will discover Rome spawned Socialism and Communism (modeled after the early Jesuit “Reductions” in Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina) … Marx and Engels merely “textualized” the doctrines in their books.


Rome is very patient and efficient in destroying nations from within (and without). 


As a note, the German Gestapo and Russian KGB were both modeled after the Jesuit-style organization, tactics, and brutality (which were honed during the horrific years of the Roman Inquisitions).    Study: Number of Bible-Believing Christians (“Protestants”) Killed By Roman Popes

Over their 500 year history the Jesuits have been kicked out of around 80 nations and principalities (including Mexico and even the Roman Catholic Church) for secretly undermining and trying to destroy governments that promoted freedom for the people and were not subservient to the Pope.


But, they always creep (and crept) back in.


In 1816 John Adams wrote to Thomas Jefferson …

“I do not like the reappearance of the Jesuits … If ever there was a body of men who merited damnation on earth and in Hell, it is this society of Loyola’s. Nevertheless, we are compelled by our system of religious toleration to offer them an asylum.”


Then, in the 1860’s, President Abraham Lincoln said …

“Is it not an absurdity to give to a man a thing which he is sworn to hate, curse, and destroy? And does not the Church of Rome hate, curse and destroy liberty of conscience whenever she can do it safely? I am for liberty of conscience in its noblest, broadest, highest sense. But I cannot give liberty of conscience to the Pope and to his followers, the Papists, so long as they tell me, through all their councils, theologians, and canon laws, that their conscience orders them to burn my wife, strangle my children, and cut my throat when they find their opportunity! This does not seem to be understood by the people today. But sooner or later, the light of common sense will make it clear to everyone that no liberty of conscience can be granted to men who are sworn to obey a Pope, who pretends to have the right to put to death those who differ from him in religion.”


Russia (Putin) and the Roman Pope’s Socialist (and Latin American) alliance is shadowy, but, it is also extremely powerful, strategic, and well-coordinated … just like the Pope’s extremely close (and almost invisible) ties with Hitler and Nazi Germany.  The Roman Church and NAZI Germany: An Unholy Alliance



Bible Prophecy:  “All Roads Lead To Rome”


The prophet Daniel twice warned (in chapters 2 and 7) that the final world power on Earth which will attack and invade Israel (sometime soon after Russia and Iran) during the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble” – Jeremiah) would be a revived ROMAN Empire (first described as feet with ten toes and then as a ferocious “Beast” with 10 Horns with a little 11th which comes up later, which would be so ferocious and blood-thirsty that Daniel couldn’t compare it to any other animal on Earth, but could only describe it as a “Beast”).


In the book of Revelation (which most of the verses and symbols are taken directly from the prophets in the Tanakh/Old Testament), the Apostle John expands Daniel’s “70th Week” prophecy (Daniel 9 which includes the last 7 years of Israel’s history which still lies ahead), and adds the details concerning the events which will happen during this coming period of time, which is usually called “The Day of the Lord” or “The Day of God’s Fierce Anger and Wrath” – Zephaniah).


Prophecies in the book of Revelation warn that TWO “Beasts” will rise out of Rome … One a POLITICAL Leader (like a Charlemagne) … and the other a RELIGIOUS Leader who will rise out of Rome (city of 7 hills).


Also, when you study the ancient Biblical prophecies concerning Edom, you will find that Jewish sages taught Rome was Edom (then, as you study the book of Jasher we find Esau’s grandson Zepho ended up in Rome and pulled together the first city states and founded the first united Italy.  The first kings of the Roman Empire (not the city) were “nurtured”/trained by Esau’s grandson Zepho.  In ancient Latin “Zepho” can be translated “she-wolf.”)


Although Roman Popes can befriend Islamics, Dalai Lamas, voodoo witchdoctors, Hindus, Buddhists, etc. … the two groups they hate and have tried to eliminate from the face of the Earth are the Jews and Bible-believing Christians (who love Israel and the Jews) whom Roman Popes call “Protestants” and “Evangelicals.”


Their quest is for the third “Holy Roman Empire” (the first being the ancient Latin Roman Empire which crumbled in 476 AD, and the second being the “Holy Roman Empire” under Charlemagne).


The Roman Popes have always considered Germany and France as their dominion and WWI was started to launch the new (Unholy) Roman Empire through the Kaiser (Caesar) which failed … and then WWII under Hitler to bring in the Third “Reich” (which means “Holy Roman Empire”), which failed again to place France and the rest of Europe (and the World) under their control.


The Roman Popes have always hated America because it was “Protestant” (which trusted in the Bible and wouldn’t bow down to the Roman Pope) and because America offered “Freedom and Democracy” to the common people which Popes despise, for their iron-fisted absolute rule has no room for opposition, opinions, or freedom.


If you study the unholy tactics of the Roman Inquisition you will find our Constitution and Bill of Rights were given to protect our people from the tyrannical and barbaric slaughters brought on by the Roman Church and Jesuits, which was fueled by the lack of legal “rights” such as: The right of knowing who your accuser is, the right to assemble freely (even during times of disease), the right to bear arms (to protect your families from anybody, including marauding bands of Roman Jesuits), the right to practice any religion that does not bow down to the Roman pope, and the right to free speech and voicing individual opinions freely without interference or threats (which includes not being required to bake cakes for homosexual or any weddings if you don’t want to for any reason).  


The German “Holocaust” could just as accurately be called the German (Roman) “Inquisition.”



The Bible Warns Rome WILL Rise and America WILL Fall Under Her Control



The Bible clearly warns Rome will rise over all of the Earth, and America will fall under her control (however, Israel will NOT … and that’s what the Battle of Armageddon is all about).


As noted earlier, Rome spawned Socialism and Communism, and is very patient to destroy nations from within (and without).


For the first time in History …


Today, for the first time in history, the President of the United States, the Leader of the U.S. Congress, and at least 6 of our Supreme Court Justices are all empowered Roman (Catholics) who owe their complete loyalty and obedience to the Roman Pope (and not to our Constitution or Rule of Law).


There are no Bible-believing Christian (“Protestants”) now sitting on our Supreme Court.


Yet, Roman Catholics only represent 23% of America’s population.


Children of Israel (and Bible-believing Christians) please beware …


The Roman Pope (and the Jesuit General) are the two greatest threats to the Jews which the children of Israel have ever faced (including Hitler) … and today the Roman Pope, Russia, China, and the American Democrat Party are all working together to destroy that nation (America) which God used to “restrain” the Roman Popes from obtaining their quest for a new (Unholy) Roman Empire during World War I and World War II.


The United States of America is the last stumbling block to remove before they can set their sites on nation Israel.


These months before the coming election might be the most perilous in the history of this nation. 


Roman Marxist-Socialists never relinquish power once they have obtained it.



The Time Draws Near … 


“That Day” which the prophets warned about where the Roman Empire will be revived and will rise to rule (and crush) the World, and many (most) of the “Protestant” churches (who once fled from Rome’s Biblical corruption) will return to their “mother” (“The Woman (church) who rides the Beast”) … Prophecy: The Woman Who Rides The Beast (and her “daughter harlots” who return)      Prophecy: Churches will depart from the faith      Prophecy: The coming Antichrist      Prophecy: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon      Prophecy: The Rapture


For further study:


Roman Church and NAZI Germany: An Unholy Alliance

Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

The Woman Who Rides The Beast

Socialist Tactics: Socialism/Romanism Are Inseparable

Beware: Conversions By The Sword

Study: Number of Bible-believing Christians (“Protestants”) Killed By Roman Popes





(Photo:  Business Insider)


Rising Russian and Latin (Roman) American Alliance


Recently, we have seen a growing number of news headlines reporting an alliance between Russia and some Latin (Roman) American nations, such as Venezuela.


These news headlines could easily be translated as: “The Revealing of The Russia (Putin) and Rome (Pope) Alliance”


This relationship is nothing new, and although Russia and the Vatican may have been “competitors” at times over the years, their mutual long-term global objectives are mutual and have always remained the same.


This powerful (yet secret) alliance will one day overthrow America … and the whole world!!


However, only Rome will stand as the coming world “Super-Power” after Russia’s defeat in their coming War against Israel (China will still play a major and deadly global prophetic role, but, it will be under a Roman-controlled global economy and government).


With this in mind, let’s take a moment a review this most powerful (and evil) alliance …


The Past Reveals Our Future


Russian dictator, Joseph Stalin. was educated in a Roman JESUIT school (it was NOT a Russian Orthodox school as some now claim) … and Cuba’s dictator, Fidel Castro, was a trained, educated, and loyal Roman Jesuit.


Also, the current Roman Jesuit General Arturo Sosa (Jesuit Generals are called the “Black Pope” because of their black robes and absolute power) was stationed in Venezuela and helped Marxist-Socialist and Russian Ally Hugo Chavez gain and retain power.  Because of his success in bringing Venezuela under Marxist-Roman control he was promoted into the highest position and is now the Jesuit “General” in Rome.  He also oversaw Venezuela’s rising China alliance (with Chavez giving China strategic rights to their oil).


Arturo Sosa is probably the first or second most dangerous man in the World with his fellow Roman Jesuit commander, Pope Francis (a former bar room bouncer in Buenos Aires), is right there along with him. 


If you do your homework (which is more difficult over these past few years because much of the historical information and studies have been deleted or “sanitized” from the Internet), you will discover Rome spawned Socialism and Communism (modeled after the early Jesuit “Reductions” in Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina). 


Rome is also both very patient and efficient in destroying nations from within. 


As a note, the German Gestapo and the Russian KGB were both modeled after the Jesuit-style organization, tactics, and brutality (which were honed during the horrific years of the Roman Inquisitions).    Study: Number of Bible-Believing Christians (“Protestants”) Killed By Roman Popes

Over their 500 year history the Jesuits have been kicked out of around 80 nations and principalities (including Mexico and even the Roman Catholic Church) for secretly undermining and trying to destroy governments that promoted freedom for the people and were not subservient to the Pope.


But, they always creep (and crept) back in.


In 1816 John Adams wrote to Thomas Jefferson …

“I do not like the reappearance of the Jesuits … If ever there was a body of men who merited damnation on earth and in Hell, it is this society of Loyola’s. Nevertheless, we are compelled by our system of religious toleration to offer them an asylum.”


Then, in the 1860’s, President Abraham Lincoln said …

“Is it not an absurdity to give to a man a thing which he is sworn to hate, curse, and destroy? And does not the Church of Rome hate, curse and destroy liberty of conscience whenever she can do it safely? I am for liberty of conscience in its noblest, broadest, highest sense. But I cannot give liberty of conscience to the Pope and to his followers, the Papists, so long as they tell me, through all their councils, theologians, and canon laws, that their conscience orders them to burn my wife, strangle my children, and cut my throat when they find their opportunity! This does not seem to be understood by the people today. But sooner or later, the light of common sense will make it clear to everyone that no liberty of conscience can be granted to men who are sworn to obey a Pope, who pretends to have the right to put to death those who differ from him in religion.”


Russia (Putin) and the Roman Pope’s Socialist (and Latin American) alliance is shadowy, but, it is also extremely powerful, strategic, and well-coordinated … just like the Pope’s extremely close (and almost invisible) ties with Hitler and Nazi Germany.  The Roman Church and NAZI Germany: An Unholy Alliance


Bible Prophecy:  “All Roads Lead To Rome”


The prophet Daniel twice warned (in chapters 2 and 7) that the final world power on Earth which will attack and invade Israel (sometime soon after Russia and Iran) during the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble” – Jeremiah) would be a revived ROMAN Empire (first described as feet with ten toes and then as a ferocious “Beast” with 10 Horns with a little 11th which comes up later, which would be so ferocious and blood-thirsty that Daniel couldn’t compare it to any other animal on Earth, but could only describe it as a “Beast”).


In the book of Revelation (which most of the verses and symbols are taken directly from the prophets in the Tanakh), John expands Daniel’s “70th Week” prophecy (Daniel 9 which includes the last 7 years of Israel’s history which still lies ahead), and adds the details concerning the events which will happen during this coming period of time, which is usually called “The Day of the Lord” or “The Day of God’s Fierce Anger and Wrath” – Zephaniah).


The Apostle John warns that in fact TWO Beasts will rise out of Rome … One a POLITICAL Leader (like a Charlemagne … Daniel’s “willful king”) and the other a RELIGIOUS Leader who will rise out of Rome (city of 7 hills).


Also, when you study the ancient Biblical prophecies concerning Edom, you will find that Jewish sages taught Rome was Edom (then, as you study the book of Jasher we find Esau’s grandson Zepho ended up in Rome and pulled together the first city states and founded the first united Italy.  The first kings of the Roman Empire (not the city) were “nurtured”/trained by Esau’s grandson Zepho.  In ancient Latin “Zepho” can be translated “she-wolf.”)


Although Roman Popes can befriend Islamics, Dalai Lamas, voodoo witchdoctors, Hindus, Buddhists, etc. … the two groups they hate and have tried to eliminate from the face of the Earth are the Jews and Bible-believing Christians (who love Israel and the Jews) whom Roman Popes call “Protestants” and “Evangelicals.”


Their quest is for the third “Holy Roman Empire” (the first being the ancient Latin Roman Empire which crumbled in 476 AD, and the second being the “Holy Roman Empire” under Charlemagne).


The Roman Popes have always considered Germany and France as their dominion and WWI was started to launch the new (Unholy) Roman Empire through the Kaiser (Caesar) which failed … and then WWII under Hitler to bring in the Third “Reich” (which means “Holy Roman Empire”), which failed again to place France and the rest of Europe (and the World) under their control.


The Roman Popes have always hated America because it was “Protestant” (which trusted in the Bible and wouldn’t bow down to the Roman Pope) and because America offered “Freedom and Democracy” to the common people which Popes despise, for their iron-fisted absolute rule has no room for opposition, opinions, or freedom.


If you study the unholy tactics of the Roman Inquisition you will find our Constitution and Bill of Rights were given to protect our people from the tyrannical and barbaric slaughters brought on by the Roman Church and Jesuits, which was fueled by the lack of legal “rights” such as: The right of knowing who your accuser is, the right to assemble freely (even during times of disease), the right to bear arms (to protect your families from anybody, including marauding bands of Roman Jesuits), the right to practice any religion that does not bow down to the Roman pope, and the right to free speech and voicing individual opinions freely without interference or threats (which includes not being required to bake cakes for homosexual or any weddings if you don’t want to for any reason).  


The German “Holocaust” could just as accurately be called the German “Inquisition.”


BUT, the Bible clearly warns Rome will rise over all of the Earth, and America will fall under her control (however, Israel will NOT … and that’s what the Battle of Armageddon is all about).


As noted earlier, Rome spawned Socialism and Communism, and is very patient to destroy nations from within (and without).


For the first time in History …


Today, for the first time in history, the President of the United States, the Leader of the U.S. Congress, and at least 6 of our Supreme Court Justices are all empowered Roman (Catholics) who owe their complete loyalty and obedience to the Roman Pope (and not to our Constitution or Rule of Law).


There are no Bible-believing Christian (“Protestants”) now sitting on our Supreme Court.


Yet, Roman Catholics only represent 23% of America’s population.


Children of Israel (and Bible-believing Christians) please beware …


The Roman Pope (and the Jesuit General) are the two greatest threats to the Jews which the children of Israel have ever faced (including Hitler) … and today the Roman Pope, Russia, China, and the American Democrat Party are all working together to destroy that nation (America) which God used to “restrain” the Roman Popes from obtaining their quest for a new (Unholy) Roman Empire during World War I and World War II.


The United States of America is the last stumbling block to remove before they can set their sites on nation Israel.


These months before the coming election might be the most perilous in the history of this nation. 


Roman Marxist-Socialists never relinquish power once they have obtained it.


The Time Draws Near … 


“That Day” which the prophets warned about where the Roman Empire will be revived and will rise to rule (and crush) the World, and many (most) of the “Protestant” churches (who once fled from Rome’s Biblical corruption) will return to their “mother” (“The Woman (church) who rides the Beast”) … Prophecy: The Woman Who Rides The Beast (and her “daughter harlots” who return)      Prophecy: Churches will depart from the faith      Prophecy: The coming Antichrist      Prophecy: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon      Prophecy: The Rapture


For further study:


Roman Church and NAZI Germany: An Unholy Alliance

Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

The Woman Who Rides The Beast

Socialist Tactics: Socialism/Romanism Are Inseparable

Beware: Conversions By The Sword

Study: Number of Bible-believing Christians (“Protestants”) Killed By Roman Popes











































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