“Let no man deceive you by any means,
For that Day shall not come,
unless there come an Apostasy (falling away) first,
and that Man of Sin (Antichrist) be revealed,
The son of perdition,
who opposeth and exalteth himself
above all that is called God or that is worshiped,
so that he sitteth as God in the temple of God,
showing himself to be God.

(2 Thessalonians 4-5)



Unholy Quotes

From VATICAN Documents



Quotes From The Roman Catholic Church’s Vatican Archives:



  • In 1512 Christopher Marcellus said this to Pope Julius II:

“Take care that we lose not that salvation, that life and breath which thou hast given us, for thou art our shepherd, thou art our physician, thou art our governor, thou art our husbandman, thou art finally another God on earth (emphasis added).iii


  • Just recently, in 2004, Bishop Patrick Dunn of Auckland said this:

It seems that Pope John Paul II now presides over the universal Church from his place upon Christ’s Cross.


  • The Gloss of Extravagantes of Pope John XXII says this:

“But to believe that our Lord God the Pope the establisher of said decretal, and of this, could not decree, as he did decree, should be accounted heretical (emphasis added)


  • In 1302 Pope Boniface said this in a letter to the Catholic Church:

Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.


  • Pope Leo XIII said these things about the role of the Papacy and the Roman Church:

“This thought has been, and is, a source of deep concern to Us; for it is impossible to think of such a large portion of mankind deviating, as it were, from the right path, as they move away from Us, and not experience a sentiment of innermost grief. But since We hold upon this Earth the place of God Almighty

But the supreme teacher in the Church is the Roman Pontiff. Union of minds, therefore, requires, together with a perfect accord in the one faith, complete submission and obedience of will to the Church and to the Roman Pontiff, as to God Himself.


  • And more recently, Pope John Paul II wrote that names like “Holy Father” are applicable to the Pope, even though calling him that is counter to the Gospel:

“Have no fear when people call me the “Vicar of Christ,” when they say to me “Holy Father,” or “Your Holiness,” or use titles similar to these, which seem even inimical to the Gospel.


  • In 1996 he also gave his ascent to calling the Pope “Lord” and “Christ on earth”:

“We readily understand the devotion of Saint Francis of Assisi for “the Lord Pope”, the daughterly outspokenness of Saint Catherine of Siena towards the one whom she called “sweet Christ on earth” (the apostolic obedience and the sentire cum Ecclesia of Saint Ignatius Loyola,and the joyful profession of faith made by Saint Teresa of Avila: “I am a daughter of the Church” (emphases added). xi


  • Leading 19th Century Professor of Catholic Church history confessed:

“Since 1183, the view of the church had been… (that) every departure from the teaching of the church…must be punished with death, and the most cruel of deaths, by fire…”

(Jesus commands us to “Love our enemies” … The Pope commands to “Destroy our enemies”.


  • Pope Martin V wrote to the king of Poland in 1429 (100 years before the Reformation):

“Know that the interests of the Holy See, and those of your crown, make it a duty to exterminate the Hussites. Remember that these impious person dare proclaims principles of equality… that all Christians are brethren…that Christ came on earth to abolish slavery; they call the people to liberty…While there is still time, then turn your forces against Bohemia; burn, massacre, make deserts everywhere for nothing could be more agreeable to God or more useful to the cause of kings, that the extermination of the Hussites (Christians who would not bow down to the Pope).”


  • A statement about the Pope’s position is found in William Barry’s “The Papal Monarchy”:

“The Pax Romana (Roman peace) has ceased; it is a universal confusion. But wherever a Bishop holds his court, religion protects all that is left of the ancient (Roman Empire) order. A NEW Rome ascends slowly above the horizon…

“The Emperor is no more…but the Pontifex Maximus abides; he is now the Vicar of Christ, offering the old civilization to the tribes of the North. He converts them to his creed, and they serve him as Father and Judge supreme (emphases added).i

(Note:  The keys that the Pope wears around his neck are NOT the keys of Peter. Rather, they date back from Babylonian times, when it was supposed that this representative of God had the power to unlock heaven or hell … also, the title “Pontifex Maximus” was originally the title of the high priest of the Babylonian Religion which was later given to the Roman Caesar BEFORE the Popes began to place this title upon themselves in 1453 … thus the term “Mystery Babylon” in the book of Revelation where Babylon became another symbolic name for Rome).


  • Pope Boniface VIII, Bull Unam Sanctam Nov. 18, 1302

“That it is altogether necessary to salvation for every human to be subject to the Roman Pontiff.”


  • On April 30, 1922 Pope Pius XI said:

“You know that I am the Holy Father, the representative of God on the earth.  The Vicar of Christ, which means I am God on the earth.”


  • Pope Leo XIII Encyclical Letter: Sapientiae Christianae.  Jan 10, 1890

“Union of minds, therefore, requires, together with a perfect accord in the one faith.  Complete submission and obedience of will to the Church and to the Roman Pontiff, as to God Himself.”


  • Dignities and Duties of the (Roman) Priest vol 12, pg. 27

      (Saying Roman Priests decide whether God will or will not pardon a person)

“God Himself is OBLIGED to abide by the judgment of His (Roman church) priests,

and either not to pardon or to pardon, according as they refuse or give absolution,

The sentence of the priest precedes, and God subscribes to it.”


  • Decretal De Translat. – Espiscop.Cap

(Bible Prophecy:  See the prophecy of the coming Antichrist ‘Changing Times and Laws” in Daniel 7:25)

“The Pope has power to change times to abrogate laws, and to dispense with all things, even the precepts (words/rules) of Christ.”


  • Vatican II Declares:

The Council of Trent as confirmed by Vatican II decrees:

“If anyone says that the sacraments of the New Law (Roman Church Doctines) are not necessary for salvation … and that without them … men obtain from God through faith alone the grace of justification .. let him be anathema (cursed).”


  • Vatican II Declares:

“Our Savior at the Last Supper … instituted the Eucharistic sacrifice of the Body and Blood …” Council of Trent agrees … Christ “offered up to God the Father His own body and blood under the form of bread and wine …”

(Note:  If so, then He was offered up as a Sacrifice for all Mankind at the Last Supper and not on the Cross … If you believe a Roman priest, Christ’s suffering and death on the Cross was futile.)


  • Vatican II

“Sins must be expiated through the sorrows, miseries and trials of this life… (or) in the next life through fire and torments or purifying punishments…in purgatory the souls of those who died in the charity of God and truly repentant for their sins and omissions are cleansed after death with punishments designed to purge away their debt.”


  • Vatican II

“The church… teaches and commands that the usage of indulgences (such as mass cards at a funeral) – a usage most beneficial to Christians and approved by the authority of the sacred councils- should be kept in the church; and it condemns with anathema those who say that indulgences are useless or that the church does not have the power to grant them.”

 “…can gain a partial indulgence.  But if this object of piety is blessed by the pope or any bishop the faithful who use it with devotion can also gain a plenary (full) indulgence on the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul…”



The Roman Church Has Even Changed The 10 Commandments!!!




You shall have no other gods before Me

I am the Lord your God: you shall not have strange gods before me

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them:

You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain

You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain

Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy

Honor your father and your mother

Honor your father and your mother

You shall not kill

You shall not murder

You shall not commit adultery

You shall not commit adultery

You shall not steal

You shall not steal

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor

You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife

You shall not covet

You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods


Note:  The Roman Catholic Church deleted the 2nd Commandment concerning “Graven Images” and divided the “You shall not covet” into TWO Commandments. 

This is why the Vatican and most Roman churches are filled with statues/graven images.

Also, the statue of “Peter” in the Roman Vatican is older than the Apostle Peter and is actually the ancient Roman statue/idol of their god Jupiter. 

The “halo” around his head represents the ancient Roman sun god.




Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

An Unholy History of Roman Popes

Roman Church and NAZI (Socialist) Germany: An Unholy Alliance

Prophecy: The Woman Who Rides The Beast

From the BIBLE:  Who Will Enter Into The Kingdom of Heaven?



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