“We (CIA Leaders) have always said, in an admiring way,
that the Jesuits form the greatest intelligence agency
in the world, and always have.”
Former CIA Officer E. Howard Hunt



In 1929, a man named E. Boyd Barrett (who also wrote “Rome Stoops to Conquer” which provided details of the Roman Church’s detailed plan to conquer America), published a book, “The Jesuit Enigma,” which is a detailed history and “handbook” of the mysterious Jesuits written by an insider who had been educated by the Jesuits from an early age, and had then risen through their ranks while living, breathing, learning, and teaching the Jesuit Way and Jesuit methods for 20 years.


The following has been excerpted from his book …


“The Jesuit Enigma”
by E. Boyd Barrett
(Copyright 1929





“THE secret service system of the Society of Jesus is not, as many people think, primarily directed towards prying into political and state affairs.


The chief occupation of Jesuit spies, “syndici,” as they are called in the Constitutions, is to watch their fellow Jesuits, and to send “informationes” about them to the local Provincial, or to the General, at the Jesu in Rome.


Spying, under the name of “manifestation of faults” by official and unofficial spies, is explained in broad outline to the young recruits who enter the Jesuit Noviceship. It (spying) is put before them as a holy and salutary religious practice.


Procurators proceed to Rome, periodically, carrying with them secret reports about members of their respective provinces. On various occasions “informatores,” four in number, are secretly nominated, and ordered to send in secret reports about individual Jesuits.            The General and his secretaries preserve these reports in archives, and for each Jesuit there is a pigeon hole at the Jesu, where all that is reported about him is recorded.  Over and above these official reports, an immense number of voluntary reports are sent to Rome from each province by pious meddlers who spend a great part of their time writing, as they are privileged to do, denunciatory letters about fellow Jesuits, and about particular occurrences.  These letters are marked “soli.” They go directly into the hands of the General, who acknowledges them personally in due time.                                                    


We come now to the particular spy system of the Order, the system of “syndici.”


If one looks up the references given in the index of the Jesuit Constitutions, under the word “syndicus,” one will find much of interest.


In every house and college, and among every class of the Order, syndici (spies) are appointed to watch and send in secret reports to Superiors.


Under the old “Ratio,” in Jesuit Colleges, masters secretly appointed spies among the boys who sent in reports on the conduct of their schoolfellows. They were called “observatores.”  Other boy-spies, called “decuriones,” were appointed who had among other duties.


Perhaps the most invidious (offensive) type of spying, instituted by the Jesuit Constitutions, is that described in the “Instructions for Confessors,” issued by the Seventh General Congregation of the Order. The fifth section reads: “Let syndici be appointed … who shall watch and report to the Superior about long confessions (prolixis confessionibus), and also about protracted conversations in the Church, outside confessions.”  There was therefore no place sacred, not even the church, against the activities of Jesuit spies.


During prayer time in Jesuit houses, that is, three times a day, official spies called “Visitors” go from room to room, opening the doors without knocking in order to see if the Fathers are at their prayers. They have to keep records of the number of times each Father is absent … or late, for prayers.


There is another method by which Superiors secure much secret information, which they use in the government of the Society. It is the “Manifestation of Conscience,” about which I shall have much to say later. This manifestation is prescribed by rule. Theoretically it is a perfectly voluntary form of self-denunciation. But in practice it is something very different. Only those who have lived in religion can fully realize how even “Manifestation of Conscience” appertains to the Jesuit secret service system.


Since the days of Ignatius, the Order has insisted on the immense importance of its “denunciatory” (spy) system.


It must be remembered that the government of the Jesuit Order is Monarchical and Absolute.


The General rules like the Czar of old. All executive authority is derived from him and his position is practically impregnable. He can with a word make or mar the fortunes of any Jesuit in the Order, and it is the tradition in the Society for the General to rule autocratically.


He (the Jesuit General) governs through secret information.


A Jesuit is liable to be denounced falsely by a brother Jesuit, and as a consequence dismissed, without having an opportunity to prove his innocence. 


First, the Superior is warned to keep secret the name of the informant from others.


The procedure of secret denunciation, with its possible effects, are laid down in the Ordinations of Generals, which belong to the Constitutions. From the second chapter onwards, in the Ordinations dealing with denunciation of crime (manifestatio delicti), the Order has apparently in view the sudden secret dismissal of members, without judicial trial.


First, the Superior is warned to keep secret the name of the informant from others.


What is particularly interesting is the delicate attention and courtesy shown to the informant.


He is flattered and consulted. He is protected against any inconvenience lest he should be unwilling to play the informant again. Not infrequently he is favored with a special letter of thanks from the General!


Informers are held in the highest esteem in the Order.  They are in due time promoted, and they enjoy the confidence of Superiors.


It is now perhaps time to trace from its beginnings the Jesuit training in Espionage, bearing always in mind that the Society repudiates the term “spying,” and clings to the word “manifestation” …


From the first novices receive instruction in a peculiar form of examination of conscience, called the “Particular Examen.” It consists in a close and continuous self-scrutiny with respect to some particular fault to be corrected or virtue to be acquired.  Results have to be marked down twice daily in a little book. This “Particular Examen” is the spiritual background for spying;


There are also two public lessons in spying or manifesting given each week.


Superiors open and read (all) incoming letters from parents, brothers, sisters and friends, and letters outgoing to them.


Many a Jesuit novice blushes as he reads a letter from his mother, already opened and read. He is tortured by shame when he thinks that a stranger should have perused and perhaps laughed at the little family intimacies contained in his mother’s letter.


He resolves at the first opportunity to beg his mother never to write to him in an intimate way again.


The spirit of espionage which is inculcated in the Noviceship begins to manifest itself in young Jesuits when, a few years later, they find themselves teaching and prefecting in Jesuit colleges.


All day long the boys are closely watched; in the classroom, playground, refectory, dormitory, and even in the chapel. 


One of the rules of the Ratio, for the Prefect of Gymnasium, enacts that “during the whole schooltime he should be stationed in the corridor or in a room from which he can overlook the boys.”


At Clongowes College, the Jesuit school where I was educated, the supervision was exceedingly severe … There were prefects who used to piece together torn bits of paper to discover what boys had been writing “notes.”


Some of the prefects searched the boys’ clothes while they were out on walks, reading whatever they found in the pockets.  The letters that the younger boys wrote were read by their masters before being posted. 


On one occasion, a boy, a friend of mine, and one of the seniors in the house, was exceedingly insulted when a Jesuit prefect called his attention to the fact that he had delayed longer than was customary at a urinal.


They took it for granted that every Jesuit was ipso facto a spy, unless they had proof to the contrary.


In the chapel, where they are told to worship God in spirit and truth, the watchful eyes of eight or ten Jesuits are upon them all the time.


For instance, the eleventh Common Rule lays down: “No one may so close the door of his room that it cannot be opened from outside; nor may anyone keep a box or anything else locked with­ out the permission of his Superior.” He is under surveillance when he goes out; he is spied upon at prayers; his outgoing and incoming letters are read; and if he enters another scholastic’s room, he must leave the door open all the time he is inside! 


It is recorded in Camara’s life of Ignatius Loyola that “he (Jesuit founder Ignatius Loyola) took the greatest pleasure in hearing all the details about the lives of his brethren, and used to have letters read, especially those from India, two or three times, and wanted to know what his brethren ate, how they slept, etc., and once he broke out, ‘Oh, I should like to know how many fleas bite my Fathers at night.'”


On one occasion, I resolved to omit early supper and visit my mother to have tea with her. I had no permission for so doing, but I counted on “not being caught.”


(Later) a note reached me from the Superior, to the effect that he wanted to see me at once. He had hardly opened his mouth when I saw that he knew all … “Did you call on your mother? Don’t you know it is against the rules to visit your mother without my leave?”





In a Socialist (or Roman Catholic) controlled nation, they attempt to apply this same level of spying upon ALL citizens.  In Germany and Russia this was enforced through the German Gestapo and the Russian KGB who modelled their insidious ways through the Jesuits.


These are also the exact same tactics the Roman Popes and Jesuits used to imprison, torture, and kill millions of Christian “Protestants” during the Roman Inquisitions.


This is why America’s founders instituted our Rights in order to protect us from these ruthless and oppressive tactics.


Orwell’s “Big Brother” IS the Roman Jesuit General


A couple of years ago I visited the George Orwell Foundation website and discovered his books “1984” and “Animal Farm” were not written to warn against Communism, but that George Orwell had written those books to warn against the Jesuits and the Roman Catholic Church!!


We can now see how both of those books have literally come to life in our day.


However, I recently went back to review this information concerning the Roman Church to document for this book, but discovered the page had been removed (“sanitized”) as have many other websites who have tried to document the past and present histories of the Roman Popes and Jesuits.


As noted in an earlier study, the Bible warns this same power out of Rome will one day rule over America … and the whole world.


One day soon we will wake up to find empowered Roman (Catholics) have taken full control over our nation (as the Bible predicts), and just like “Big Brother” they will monitor our every move (and they now have the technology to do it), while quickly passing laws to remove every “heretic” (Bible-believing Christian or Jew whom they will label as hate-filled “extremists”) who will refuse to submit to the Pope and his unbiblical Monarchal laws of Roman Socialism, which will sweep away all of our Constitutional rights and freedoms.


Yet, I’m only presenting what is already found in the Bible concerning these future events.


However, God (Jesus Christ) has lovingly given us hope and the promise of a wonderful future, no matter what happens.


Please remember, just love and trust in Him so your eternal destiny (which will be filled with love, peace, joy, and unending happiness) can, and will be, fully assured!!


We also find in the Bible that God warns all those who hurt or kill His children (all those Christians and Jews who will only bow down to Jesus Christ as their Lord), will one day be utterly destroyed and removed from Earth … forever!



Prophetic Rise of Rome …





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