An historical summary of the Jesuit Order …


  • In the 1500’s Roman Popes were fraudulently deceiving poor Catholics by selling them “Holy Relics,” such as “Feathers from the angel Gabriel’s wings,” “Nails used in the Crucifixion,” and “vials of the virgin Mary’s milk” …


  • Roman Popes also started charging Catholics money to release their deceased loved ones from a place called “Purgatory.” (As a note, it wasn’t until 1274 AD that the Roman Church became the first (and only) Christian denomination to introduce the non-Biblical “Purgatory” concept, and it has been a very lucrative “dogma” for them


  • At that time Pope Leo X wanted to build a magnificent palace (church) in Rome, but didn’t want to spend his own money for it (he was also the Pope who would entertain his guests by having naked little boys jump out of a cake, and he once painted one little boy in gold paint and the boy later died)


  • The Pope then accepted the proposal from a man named Johannes Tetzel to charge Catholics various amounts of money to be forgiven of a variety of sins, including sins they had not yet committed (and could then commit them at any time) in order to absolve them of their sins and enter Heaven


  • The Roman Church provided a “Menu” of different Sins (past, present, and future) one might commit, and each of the sins was listed with a specific Price (for which the Pope would grant forgiveness)


  • A Roman Catholic priest named Martin Luther (who had read and studied the Bible) heard of this and “protested” against this ungodly and grievous sin against God’s Word by nailing his “95 Thesis” upon the door of the Wittenberg Church in Germany


  • The Bible was then translated into German from Latin so the common Roman Catholics (called “peons” in Latin nations) could learn the Bible themselves and soon began leaving the Roman Church in droves all across Europe, and the Roman Pope became furious at these Christian “Protestants”


  • Ignatius Loyola (Jesuit Founder): After having been injured during the French siege of the Citadel of Pamplona, a Spanish nobleman, Ignatius of Loyola, decided he could wipe out this Protestant “Reformation” (the movement which rose to “reform” the Church back to its earlier Biblical Christian roots)


  • Like Mohammed (Islam) and Joseph Smith (Mormonism), Ignatius Loyola also claimed to have been visited by an angel (whom he called “Mary”) who dictated the words for a new non-biblical Jesuit holy book “Spiritual Exercises” (which Jesuit E. Boyd Barrett compared to the Islamic “Koran”) which he used to form and train a group now known as “The Jesuit Order” and “Society of Jesus.”


  • Pope Paul III granted them their right to exist as a Roman Catholic “Order”


  • On September 17, 1540 the Jesuits became the official arm of Rome to destroy and exterminate every “Protestant” from France, Germany (and anywhere on the face of the Earth), using any and all means necessary in order to “protect” the PopeTheir motto is “For the greater glory of god” with the Latin initials “AMDG”


  • With this motto they freely and without repentance or remorse justify their lying, torture, rape, theft, murder (including beheading and roasting alive) all those millions of Christian boys, girls, men, and women who refused to bow down to the Roman Pope as “God on Earth)


  • The Roman Church quickly became the wealthiest entity on Earth in all history


  • Through the leveraging of their exceedingly vast amounts of wealth they powerfully gain “influence” over Kings, Princes, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Congressmen, Judges, Police, Military Commanders, and large Corporate CEOs in order to secretly wrest control over Nations, Corporations, Schools, Unions, Movie Studios, Networks, Publishers, and Banks


  • They have been expelled 80+ times from many, many different nations and localities (and even by Catholic Popes on a couple of occasions) for secretly stirring up opposition to divide and weaken nations, rebellion to topple governments, and money manipulation to ruin economies, with the most recent being Nicaragua “evicting” them in August of 2023


  • The secretive Jesuit Pope (called the “General” and “Black Pope” because of his robe) is the most powerful and dangerous man on Earth, whose top priority and mission is to eliminate all Bible-believing Christian “Protestants” and true “Democracies” in order to draw all global power back to Rome (exactly as the Bible predicts)


  • Since the 1500’s their most powerful tool has been to indoctrinate the youth through Education, and as of 1960 their 28 Jesuit colleges in America had over 1,000,000 living graduates … and far more today


  • An intensive weeding-out process takes place over 10-14 years of schooling and candidates are carefully tested and placed in different groups and levels if deemed acceptable


  • They look for a genius, whether Roman Catholic or not (the cream of the crop) who must be good looking, healthy, good memory, desirous of all souls to become Roman Catholic


  • A Jesuit must trust the “Order” to place them wherever their “god” directs them, whether as an honored priest or the lowliest of servants


  • Only around 2% become uniformed priests with an S.J. after their names (if they want to be known)


  • The rest are “under cover” soldiers working all around the world as plumbers, cooks, accountants, pilots, teachers, janitors, policemen, army generals, judges, Senators, movie studio moguls, news editors, writers, television executives, politicians, etc.


  • President Bill Clinton attended Jesuit Georgetown University and rose to become President of his class


Their Mission is Two-Fold:

  • “USE Democracy to DESTROY Democracy”
  • “USE Christianity to DESTROY Christianity”



Two Popes:

  1. The White Pope (because of the color of his robe): Before the World he appears to run the Roman Catholic system. All attention is focused on him. All world leaders come to kiss his ring to pledge allegiance to him … but, he’s not the one who runs the show.


  1. The Black Pope (because of the color of his robe): The Black Pope is the Supreme General of the Jesuits who controls the entire church system, including so-called “Non-Catholic” secret societies and world politics … considered the most dangerous man on Earth. (“Jesuits” by Jack T. Chick pg. 29, 2011)




From the Jesuits’ General Franz Wernz (1906-1915) …


“The (Roman Catholic) Church CAN condemn heretics (Protestants and Jews) to death, for any rights they have are only through our (the Roman Jesuit’s) tolerance.” (118)
(118)  “De stabilitate et progressu dogmatis”, first part, art VI 9 I (“Typographia editrix romana, Romae 1908”). (118a)


From Roman Cardinal Lepicier (the notorious prince of the Church) …


“If someone professes publicly to be a heretic or tries to pervert (convert) others, by his speech or example, he can not only be excommunicated, but also justly killed…” (118a)


From Jesuit Pope Leo XIII …


“Anathema (a death curse) on the one who says, ‘The Holy Spirit does not want us to kill the heretic (Protestant/Jew).’”
(118a)  See Sol Ferrer-Francisco Ferrer. Un Martyr au XXe siecle (Fischbacher, Paris).  “The Secret History of the Jesuits” Edmond Paris  Pp 167 – 168)


From Jesuit General Michelangelo Tamburini …


“… from this room I govern not only Paris, but China; not only China, but the World, without anyone knowing how it is managed.”  (“History of the Jesuits, Vol. 1” by Andrew Steinmetz, 1848)




From Adolf Hitler …

“I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits”, said Hitler… “Until now, there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic Church. I transferred much of this organization into my own (Nazi) party…(108) (Hermann Rauschning, former national-socialist chief of the government of Dantzig: “Hitler m’a dit”, (Ed. Co-operation, Paris 1939, pp.266, 267, 273 ss).


From Walter Schellenberg, former spy chief of Nazi Germany’s Counter-Espionage …


“The S.S. organization had been constituted, by Himmler, according to the principles of the Jesuits’ Order. Their regulations and the (Jesuit) “Spiritual Exercises” prescribed by Ignatius of Loyola were the model Himmler tried to copy exactly…


“The “Reichsfuhrer SS”Himmler’s title as Supreme Chief of the SS—was to be the equivalent of the Jesuits’ “General” and the whole structure of the direction was a close imitation of the Catholic Church’s hierarchical order. A mediaeval castle, near Paderborn in Westphalia, and called “Webelsbourg” became what could be called an SS monastery”.  (109) Walter Schellenberg: “Le Chef du contre-espionnage nazi vous parle” (Julliard, Paris 1957, pp.23-24).


  1. Frederic Hoffet wrote …


“Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler and most members of the party’s “old guard” were Catholics”… “It was not by accident that, because of its Chiefs’ religion, the National-socialist government was the most Catholic Germany ever had… This kinship between National-Socialism (NAZI) and Catholicism is most striking if we study closely the propaganda methods and the interior organization of the party. On that subject, nothing is more instructive than Joseph Goebbel’s works. He had been brought up in a Jesuit college and was a (Roman Catholic) Seminarist … Every page, every line of his writings recall the teaching of his masters”  (Frederic Hoffet: “L’lmperialisme protestant” (Flammarion, Paris 1948)


More from Adolph Hitler …


“I can see Himmler as our Ignatius of Loyola (founder of the Roman Jesuits”  (Adolf Hitler: “Libres propos” (Flammarion, Paris 1952, p.164).



Resources include:


  • “Jesuits” by Jack T. Chick (2011)
  • “Ignatius of Loyola and the Early Jesuits” by Stewart Rose (1871)
  • “Life of St. Ignatius of Loyola” by F.A. Forbes (1919)
  • “The Autobiography of St. Ignatius” translated by Joseph O’Conner (1900)
  • “The Vatican Billions” by Avro Manhattan



Prophetic Rise of Rome …






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