Israel’s Obstacles To Peace …

–Jerusalem Post/Caroline Glick

Don’t forget … The final Battle of Armageddon will be fought over Jerusalem.  The coming “Apocalypse” (called “The Time of Jacob’s (Israel’s) Trouble” in Jeremiah and “The 70th Week of Daniel” from the book of Daniel) will be the third (and last) “disaster” determined on Israel and Jerusalem for the rejection of God’s Word (and the promised Messiah).  The first was around 586 BC by Babylon, the second was in 70 AD by Rome, and the third could take place anytime from 2018 to possibly 2075 and will include ALL nations (UN?).

CIA Report Reveals Budding Iran-PLO (Yasser Arafat) Relationship In 1979 …

–Jerusalem Post

Grooming the Ayatollah and gaining Iran (formerly a close US and Israel ally) were a major Russia victory (through Democrat Party President Jimmy Carter) … and Yasser Arafat was an Egyptian recruited as a Russian KGB agent (as is the current head of al-Qaida).  None of this is secret.  Why should anyone be surprised?


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